
萌宠来袭!东盟宠物博览会昆明开幕 ASEAN Pet Expo is underway in Kunming City

CGTNPublished: 2019-12-02 17:24:16
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From fluffy short-legged horses(马 mǎ) to cute cats(猫 māo) and dogs(狗 gǒu), vivacious parrots(鹦鹉 yīngwǔ) to shy hedgehogs(刺猬 cìwèi), and other kinds of lovely pets(宠物 chǒngwù), south China's Kunming City is currently the place for animal lovers, as pet owners gather for the fourth China Kunming ASEAN Pet Expo.

Popular pets 常见宠物:

[gǒu]狗 dogs

[māo]猫 cats

[tùzi]兔子 rabbits

[zhū]猪 pigs

[yīngwǔ]鹦鹉 parrots

[wūguī]乌龟 turtles

[shé]蛇 snakes

[yú]鱼 fish

[qīngwā]青蛙 frogs

[wōniú]蜗牛 snails

[yāzi]鸭子 ducks

[jī]鸡 chickens

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