
The 2nd Cross-Straits Cloud Exhibition of Excellent Documentaries and Cartoons Opened

Published: 2022-09-19 16:02:52
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The exhibition will be held simultaneously on the websites of the sponsors The Chinese Association for RadioFilm and Television Exchanges (http://www.carfte.cn) and Taiwan Visual and Audio Production Association, and on the websites as well as Facebook and Youtube accounts of the co-organizers China Pavilion (www.chinapavilion.com.cn), China Beijing International Audiovisual Conference (https://www.ciac.org.cn/), Fujian Provincial Administration of Radio and Television, Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau, Beijing Film Academy, Youku, Migu, Tencent, etc. Viewers can log on to the cloud exhibition website http://yunzhanlan2022.e.cn.vc/ or the above mentioned websites to enjoy the exhibition.

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