
Computers 电脑(2)

China PlusPublished: 2017-12-19 13:39:50
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B: It's a laptop I need, a bi3 ji4 ben3 dian4 nao3. How do we ask about the operating system?

Y: okay…操作系统是什么的?cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3 is operating system,

B:操作系统 cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3

Y:操作 cao1 zuo4 means operating,

B: cao1 zuo4

Y:系统 xi4 tong3 means system,

B: xi4 tong3

Y:操作系统 cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3

B: cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3 operating system,

Y: so you can ask:操作系统是什么的?cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3 shi4 shen2 me2 de?

B: cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3 shi4 shen2 me de?

Y:是 shi4 means is, and 什么 shen2 me2 de means what?

B: got it.

Y:操作系统是什么的?cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3 shi4 shen2 me2 de?

B: cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3 shi4 shen2 me2 de? What is the operating system?

Conversation 1


B: Windows XP.

B: Next thing to consider is the hard drive.

Y: You mean,硬盘驱动。But usually we just say:硬盘 ying4 pan2.

B: ying4 pan2

Y:硬 ying4 means hard

B: ying4

Y:盘 pan2 means disk,

B: pan2

Y:硬盘 ying4 pan2

B: ying4 pan2, hard drive. And I wanna know how much memory there is.

Y: Memory is 内存 nei4 cun2. as 内 nei4 means internal, and 存 cun2 means memory,

B: nei4 cun2.

Y: And how much memory is there? We can say:内存有多大?nei4 cun2 you3 duo2 da4?

B: nei4 cun2 you3 duo1 da4?

Y: we learned 多大 duo1 da4 in our previous lesson, and it means how much,

B: yes… duo1 da4,

Y:内存有多大?nei4 cun2 you3 duo1 da4?

B: nei4 cun2 you3 duo1 da4? How much memory is there?

Conversation 2




B: 40G。

B: hmm…40 GB, is that enough I wonder.

Y: It is for most things.

B: Probably right. There's a few other parts I haven't learnt to say yet. What's the keyboard? Is it anything to do with yaoshi, the word for key?

Y: I'm afraid not… keyboard is called 键盘 jian4 pan2.

B: jian4 pan2.

Y: it could also mean the keyboard of piano or any similar musical instruments…键盘 jian4 pan2.

B: jian4 pan2.

B: And that cute pet that usually goes with a computer, the mouse, what's that?

Y: The same word as the animal 鼠 shu3, and that of course is 鼠标 shu3 biao1.

B: shu3 biao1.

Y:标 biao1 means mark,

B: biao1,

Y:鼠标 shu3 biao1.

B: shu3 biao1. the mouse.






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