
EP30 驴友 Donkey Friends

China PlusPublished: 2017-09-30 15:18:03
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EP30驴友 Donkey Friends

Traveling language;

Meet strangers online and travel with them;

Good Chinese destinations

Part I Chinese 101



A:Jià qī yǒu shén me dǎ suàn?

Any plans for your coming holiday?


B:Wǒ xiǎng qù shā mò tú bù。Wǒ zhèng zài wǎng shàng xún zhǎo lǘ yǒu。

I want to go hiking in the desert. I'm looking for a tour pal on the Internet.


tài kù le!


Words & Expressions:

【假期】jià qī: holiday

【打算】dǎ suàn: plan; intend; mean; think

【沙漠】shā mò: desert

【徒步】tú bù: hiking, on walk

【正在】zhèng zài:doing sth.

【寻找】xún zhǎo:searching, looking for

【驴友】lǘ yǒu: tour pal;backpacker

【酷】kù: cool

Part II Language Tips

Meet strangers online and travel with them;

Good Chinese destinations

Part III Story of The Day

乘风破浪 Ride the wind and plough the waves


chéng fēng pò làng

Ride the wind and plough the waves

乘 means to ride,风 means the wind,破 means to 'carve through',浪means waves. Literally it means to 'sweep ahead full sail'. This idiom is used to describe someone who advances bravely in defiance of hardship and danger.

Literal meaning:Ride the wind and plough the waves

Explanation: Have great ambitions; plough through; brave winds and waves



Wǒ xiǎng xiàng yǒng gǎn de shuǐ shǒu nà yàng ,chéng fēng pò làng 、gòng fù qián chéng 。

I’d like to be a brave sailor, braving the wind and waves and leaving for future prospects totally.

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