
EP36 川菜 Sichuan Cuisine

China PlusPublished: 2017-12-06 18:47:38
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EP36川菜 Sichuan Cuisine

Chinese 101: How to say “sichuan cuisine” and "spicy food"in Chinese


Language Tips: All that related to spicy Sichuan food

Story of The Day: Too Happy to Think of One's Home乐不思蜀 lè bú sī shǔ



fù jìn xīn kāi le yī jiā chuān cài guǎn ,yào bú yào yī qǐ qù shì shì ?

There’s a new Sichuan cuisine restaurant nearby, do you wanna go and have a try?


hǎo a !zì cóng lái le zhōng guó ,wǒ yuè lái yuè néng chī là le 。

Ever since arriving in China, I've been more and more able to eat spicy food.

Words & Expressions:

【附近】fù jìn: nearby

【新】xīn: new; newly

【开】kāi: open

【一家】yī jiā: one family; household; a shop/store space

【试】shì: try

【川菜】chuān cài: Sichuan Cuisine

【馆】guǎn:embassy; legation; consulate;gallery; shops

【自从】zì cóng: ever since

【越来越】yuè lái yuè: More and more

【辣】là: spicy;hot

Hosts: Niu Honglin & Sam Duckett & Lincoln

Programme Editor: Wang Xiaoyu

Producer: Lu Chang

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