
EP75 挂号 Register at a hospital

China PlusPublished: 2018-01-19 16:03:34
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EP75挂号 Register at a hospital

Chinese 101: How to register for a doctor in a Chinese hospital

Grammar: Measure word “个”; Express “or” with “或者”/“还是”

Language Tips: Consulting the Doctor in China; Various kinds of hospitals in China

Story of the Day:此地无银三百两 cǐ dì wú yín sān bǎi liǎng

No 300 taels of silver are buried here



nín hǎo ,wǒ xiǎng guà gè hào。

Hello, I’d like to register for a doctor.


guà shí me kē?

Which department?


wǒ zuì jìn jīng cháng shī mián,qǐng wèn yīng gāi guà shí me kē?

I’ve been suffering from insomnia, so which department should I go?


nín kě yǐ guà shén jīng nèi kē huò zhě zhōng yī kē。

You can choose neurology department or department of traditional medicine.


zhōng yī kē ba。

Department of traditional Chinese medicine, please.


nín yào guà zhuān jiā hào hái shì pǔ tōng hào?

Do you want to see a specialist or an ordinary doctor?


zhuān jiā hào,xiè xiè。

Specialist, thanks.


hǎo de ,yī gòng wǔ shí yuán。

Okay, 50 yuan in total.

Words & Expressions:

【挂号】guà hào: register for a doctor

【科】kē:administrative or technical offices; department or section;

【经常】jīng cháng: often; always

【失眠】shī mián: insomnia; sleeplessness

【神经内科】shén jīng nèi kē: Neurology Department

【中医】zhōng yī: Traditional Chinese Medicine

【专家】zhuān jiā: specialist

【普通】pǔ tōng: ordinary

Hosts: Liu Min & Jessica

Programme Editor: Lu Chang

Producer: Lu Chang

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