
EP82 相亲 Arranged Blind Dates

China PlusPublished: 2018-02-23 18:18:56
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EP82相亲 Arranged Blind Dates

Chinese 101: Talk about annoying arranged blind dates

Grammar:“not at all”“一点(儿)也不”

Language Tips: Arranged blind dates in China & Standard of Spouse Selection

Story of the Day: Mutual Respect in A Marriage 举案齐眉 jǔàn qí méi



nǐ zěn me kàn qǐ lái bú tài kāi xīn?

It seems that you’re not very happy, what’s wrong?


bié tí le, jiā lǐ rén gěi wǒ jiè shào le gè duì xiàng,wǒ yòu yào qù xiàng qīn le

Don’t mention it, my family introduce another marriage prospect for me, I ‘m going to an arranged date again.


tīng qǐ lái nǐ hěn tǎo yàn xiàng qīn?

Sounds you really hate it, right?


shì de,wǒ gǎn jué xiāng qīn xiàng shì liǎng gè rén zài tán tiáo jiàn。

yī diǎn yě bú làng màn.

Of course! For me it’s like balancing the conditions of the two people, it’s not romantic at all.


nà nǐ de zé ǒu biāo zhǔn shì shí me ne?

So what’s your standard of spouse selection


bù hǎo shuō,zhǔ yào kàn gǎn jué ba!

It’s hard to say, mainly depends on feelings!

Words & Expressions:

【别提了】bié tí le:don’t mention it

【介绍】jiè shào: introduce

【对象】duì xiàng; marriage partner; boyfriend or girfriend

【相亲】xiāng qīn: arranged dates

【讨厌】tǎo yàn: hate

【谈】tán: talk about

【条件】tiáo jiàn: conditions

【浪漫】làng màn: romantic

【择偶标准】zéǒu biāo zhǔn: standard of spouse selection

【主要】zhǔ yào: main, mainly

【感觉】gǎn jué: feeling

Hosts: Liu Min & Jessica

Programme Editor: Lu Chang

Producer: Lu Chang

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