
EP100 换头像 Change profile picture

China PlusPublished: 2018-06-08 13:26:16
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EP100换头像 Change profile picture

Chinese 101: Conversation on changing one’s profile picture

Grammar: Expressing lateness with "才cai"

Language Tips:What’s your profile picture says about you

Story of the Day:To Change One’s Mind Frequently 朝三暮四 zhāo sān mù sì



nǐ huàn tóu xiàng lā !

You’ve changed your profile picture!


wǒ zài lǚ xíng shí pāi de ,hǎo kàn ma ?

I pictured it during my trip, is it looks good?


fēi cháng hǎo kàn !nǐ tài huì pāi zhào le 。

It looks perfect! You’re so good at picturing!


méi yǒu méi yǒu ,wǒ cóng xiàng cè lǐ xuǎn le hǎo jiǔ cái xuǎn chū zhè yī zhāng 。

Not at all, it took me long time before I finally selected this one from all the photos in my album.

Words & Expressions:


【头像】tóu xiàng: profile picture

【旅行】lǚ xíng: travel, trip

【拍】pāi:, shoot, clap

【好看】hǎo kàn: look well, good looking

【非常】fēi cháng: very

【拍照】pāi zhào: picture

【相册】xiàng cè: photo album

【选】xuǎn: select, choose

【才】cái: only

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