
EP112 卖萌 Acting Cute

China PlusPublished: 2018-06-29 17:14:33
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EP112卖萌 Acting Cute

Chinese 101: Talk about someone who is good at “acting cute”

Language Tips:卖萌卖力卖乖卖命...How many things can be “sold” in Chinese

Story of the Day: To Pull Up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow 拔苗助长



wǒ hǎo xǐ huān nà gè nǚ míng xīng !tā hǎo kě ài ,hǎo huì mài méng ā!

I love that star! She is so pretty, she is so good at acting cute!


wǒ jiào dé mài méng bú shì běn lǐng ,wǒ hái shì xǐ huān yǒu shí lì de 。

I don’t think acting cute is a skill, I like people who are real professional.

Words & Expressions:

【明星】míng xīng:star

【可爱】kěài: cute, pretty

【会】huì: can, be good at

【卖】mài: sell


【本领】běn lǐng: skill, ability, capability

【实力】shí lì: actual strength; strength

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