
EP149 变卦 Different kinds of possibilites

China PlusPublished: 2018-11-09 17:28:45
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EP149变卦 Different kinds of possibilites

Chinese 101: Talk about different kinds of possibilities in Chinese

Grammar: Comparing "kending" "queding" and “yiding"

Language Tips:“卦”in Chinese culture and language

Song:万芳《不确定》 Not sure by One Fang



Xià gè yuè wáng fēi de yǎn chàng huì ,nǐ hé nà nà qù bú qù ?

Fare wong will give her concert next month, will you and Nana go?


Wǒ kěn dìng qù ,dàn shì nà nà bú tài què dìng 。

I will definitely go, but Nana is not sure.


Tā hěn xǐ huān wáng fēi de gē ,yīng gāi huì qù ba ?

She likes Faye Wong’s songs very much. I think that she will probably go.


Bù yīdìng,shàng cì tā dā yìng hé wǒ men yīqǐ wán,kěshì hòu lái yòu biàn guà le 。

Probably not, last time she promised us to hang out together, but later she changed her mind.

Words & Expressions:

【演唱会】yǎn chàng huì: music concert

【肯定】kěn dìng:sure, affirm

【确定】què dìng:sure

【应该】yīng gāi: should

【不一定】bù yī dìng: not sure

【答应】dā yìng: promise, respond

【后来】hòu lái: later, afterwards

【变卦】biàn guà

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