
EP152 看菜单 Read a Chinese menu

China PlusPublished: 2018-12-07 17:23:31
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EP152看菜单 Read a Chinese menu

Chinese 101: Talk about ordering food in a Chinese restaurant

Grammar:得(de) After Verbs

Language Tips:How to read a menu in a Chinese restaurant

Song:王力宏《柴米油盐酱醋茶》Seven necessitie by Leehom Wang



Nǐ xiǎng hǎo diǎn shén me le ma ?

Have you decided the dishes you want to order?


Kàn diǎn píng,zhè jiā diàn de má pó dòu fǔ hé kǒu shuǐ jī zuò dé bú cuò。

The comments suggest that Mapo Tofu and steamed chicken with chili sauce are good


Nǐ xiǎng chī shén me zhǔ shí ne ?

How about the staple food?


Dān dān miàn ba 。

I’d like to order dandan noodle.

Words & Expressions:

【点评】diǎn píng:comment

【豆腐】dòu fǔ: tofu

【口水】kǒu shuǐ: saliva

【鸡】jī: chicken

【主食】zhǔ shí: staple food

【面】miàn: noodle

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