
EP163 冬天 Winter

China PlusPublished: 2019-01-11 17:29:33
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EP163冬天 Winter

Chinese 101: Do you like winter or not?

Grammar: Using 不(bù) for Asking Questions

Language Tips:Things to do in China during wintertime

Song:老狼《北京的冬天》 Winter in Beijing by Old Wolf



Nǐ xǐ bú xǐ huān dōng tiān ?

Do you like winter or not?


Wǒ tǎo yàn dōng tiān ,dōng tiān de tiān qì tài lěng le !

I hate winter, the weather in wintertime is so cold!


Wǒ hěn xǐ huān dōng tiān ,yīn wéi dōng tiān huì xià xuě 。

I like winter very much, because it snows in wintertime.

Words & Expressions:

【喜欢】xǐ huān: like

【冬天】dōng tiān: winter

【讨厌】tǎo yàn: hate

【天气】tiān qì: weather

【冷】lěng: cold

【因为】yīn wéi: because

【下雪】xià xuě: snow

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